IT Skills > Graphics and Multimedia
One of my first experiences with using a personal computer was writing a term paper for an English class in college using a word processor. The night before the term paper was due, the computer crashed and I lost the entire document. I scrambled to re-create the paper in time for submission, but for the next year and a half I went back to using a typewriter, white-out and a dictionary for writing all of my course assignments. Fortunately, I enrolled in a required class in the NC State University Computer Science department that utilized Macintosh computers and began my lifelong passion to utilize technology to improve and enrich lives using all major operating systems. Below is a full-page ad that I created using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop as a marketing piece for the creative arts certificate program I created while at Sampson Community College.

This is a 24x36 poster I created using Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and a digital camera to highlight the Farmers Adopting Computer Training (FACT) training partnership. The poster was displayed at the 2005 United States Department of Agriculture Small Farm Conference held in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Newsletters, along with developing a website containing an online registration form, were my primary methods of marketing new seminars and course offerings while Director of the Small Business Center. Upon leaving the position, I was managing a mailing list database comprising of over 2000 names and addresses and receiving nearly 30% of course registrations through the website. Below is a sample of the newsletters I created to notify interested small business owners and entrepreneurs of new computer courses offered through the Center.