My Career Portfolio

Management > Program Management

In management roles within both small business and state government environments, maintaining proper business records became an essential part of my daily duties. Above are samples of the Business Plan and Annual Report I was required to submit to the college’s President and to the North Carolina Community College System Office in Raleigh. This email was from Sue Miller, Vice-President of Sampson Community College, after the submission of the 2004-2005 Annual Report for Presidential approval by Dr. Bill Aiken.


The Farmers Adopting Computer Training (FACT) program became an enormous success in providing small and limited resource farmers with computer training to assist them in improving their ability to maintain accurate farm management records. After developing a partnership with NC A&T State University Cooperative Extension Program and the Sampson County Cooperative Extension Office, my department trained over 80 farmers in Sampson and Duplin counties and resulted in nine other community colleges developing similar training partnerships based upon the training program model I created.



The primary goal I set forth while Director of the Small Business Center was to offer new seminars and classes that would enable individuals to receive valuable business and technology instruction to facilitate entrepreneurship in a county that had been hard-hit with manufacturing layoffs. One of the projects I initiated was the deployment of a new Continuing Education computer lab that coincided with the new creative arts certificate program I created, as well as information systems and other technical class offerings. This newsletter was mailed when the lab installation was completed and describes the technical abilities of the lab. The planning, requisitioning, installation, networking and maintenance of the new lab was performed by myself and without any assistance among the college’s computer support staff.


Handwritten comments by Billie Crawford, Dean of Continuing Education at Sampson Community College, upon the conclusion of my August 2005 Annual Review.


Handwritten comments included in thank you cards received from Meredith Cantor, Photography Department Coordinator at Onondaga Community College during 2007-2008.

meredith_card_firstsemester meredith_card_secondsemester

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