Recognition > Publications
The following are books and instructional guides I have authored written specially for use by adult learners.
- “A Conceptual Guide to 2.0” (ISBN 09778991-2-8), March 2006. Since its publication, the book has been distributed for use in 10 countries throughout North America, Europe and Asia and has been adopted/considered for adoption for use in courses at several colleges and universities.
- “A Conceptual Guide to 2 for Windows and Linux” (ISBN 978-0-9778991-3-5), March 2007. Considered a second edition to the original 2.0 book published the prior year.
- “A Conceptual Guide to NeoOffice 2 for Mac OS X” (ISBN 978-0-9778991-1-1), March 2007.
- “A Conceptual Guide to 3: Second Edition” (ISBN 978-0-9778991-7-3), August 2009.
- “Digital Darkroom Fundamentals for Mac OS X” (ISBN 978-09778991-8-0), September 2009.
- “Digital Lab Users Guide”, January 2009. A 182-page instructional guide developed for internal use by SUNY-OCC's Photography Department students. Conceptual Guides Learning Series - The first open licensed textbook, online course and related resources for the open source office productivity suite. Awarded the 2008 Sun Microsystems / Community Innovation Program Award in October 2008.